Best Countries to Work as an App Developer

First off, we’d like to mention that app development is a global activity right now and there are many professionals all over the world developing all type of great apps and games for a company or independently.

However, it is also true there are certain countries where you can find different mobile ecosystems, especially those countries in which, for one reason or another,  app development has concentrated more.

We have found out that the best countries for Android app developers are:

The United States, the hype of Silicon Valley

According to Techworld, The North American country has the best salaries for mobile developers.

This shouldn’t be a surprise since Silicon Valley has been considered the capital of technology and innovations for many decades. Now, in times where mobile technology is at its peak, Silicon Valley has emerged as one of mobile metropolis around the world.

Although Silicon Valley is a great option for developers, there are plenty cities in the U.S. that are great to make a career in app development like Seattle, Denver, Austin or Boston, to name a few.

India, the country with more developers

The South Asian country is a new destiny for developers. Last year, Business Insider mentioned that India is 10x cheaper than the U.S for app development, due to its condition of being an emergent country in the mobile market.

According to latest stats, India is the country where more developers are living right now. It is expected that more than 5.2 million developers will be living there by the end of this year. Thanks to this and the facilities the country is giving to software professionals, India is a good choice to make a career in Android app development.

Israel, an ideal country for startups

Tel Aviv is currently considered “The start-ups capital” by many people.  Around 500 new tech companies have emerged from Israel in the last years, according to Forbes.

At this year´s Mobile World Congress, dozens of new tech companies showed the world the potential that this small European country has to become technology leaders.

Right now, Israel government has supported startups by creating deals and facilitating the processes that allow them to get established while rising the country’s economy.

Two years ago, 116 mobile app companies and 1,040 app companies were created with original technologies in Israel. Ori Segal, CEO of iApps Technologies, declared that Israel is already leading app development next to countries like USA and Russia.

Switzerland, a place for gaming developers

Software Engineers have an average annual salary of USD104,200 in Switzerland, which is considered the best place in Europe to work in tech-related jobs.

Among all of the swiss strengths in software development, we must talk about the gaming industry. The video game scene is booming and has reached several achievements that have placed them as leaders and references next to countries like the United States and Japan.

We are sure it is just a matter of time that they start positioning as a one top country for mobile games development.

There are also other countries that are ideal for app developers like Russia, Australia, Canada or the Netherlands, among others.


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