Top 5 Forums an Android Developer Shouldn’t Miss

About Android

As everyone knows, Google developed an operating system compatible with mobiles. It’s called Android and it is based on the Linux kernel. The popularity of Android OS can be comprehended from the fact that over 1.43 million Android apps have been published on Google Play store till July 2013. It has also been observed from the 2015 survey that more than 40% professional app developers choose Android as their core area of development which is more than iOS and other development platforms.

Existence of Android Forums

As per the facts mentioned above regarding the popularity of Android as a development platform, many Android forums are coming into existence in order to provide knowledgeable information and solutions which are necessary to learn Android app development at different stages of learning whether it is for an experienced developer or for a fresh developer with only basic skills of development.

There are various forums available on the internet, but each one of them have their own features and functionality which make them unique because there are some features which are common in all, but some forums have their own special functionality that help a specific forum to stand out of the crowd.

Top 5 Android Forums

Apart from the available thousands of Android forums, only few of them hold worth to be on top in this online market. Let’s have a look on the top 5 Android developer forums which holds top positions on Google search:

AndroidForum -

AndroidPit -

AndDev -

XdaDevelopers -

FindNerd -

Features of Android Forums

All these Android forums have their own specific features and functionalities which distinguishes them from others, let’s check it out below:

AndroidForum: This is question and answering forum specially developed for beginner developers who want to learn some tips & tutorials on Android development.

AndroidPit: This forum specifically focuses on Smartphone technologies and the registered members can avail useful information, tips, tricks and suggestions here.

AndDev: This platform is not only developed to find answers to their questions but can also find advanced learning tutorials involved with coding.

XdaDevelopers: This forum covers topic discussion that include App Development Training Courses, it is very helpful for fresh developers.

FindNerd: The Android developer forum community provided by FindNerd is equipped with all advanced features including questioning, answering, tips & tutorials.


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